Fall Protection Training - Complete

This comprehensive training will allow you to understand the use of fall protection when working at heights.



  • Different fall protection options exist, this course will identify the options that will best meet your needs and give you the tools and knowledge to work safely.


  • Hazard Identification
  • Regulations and Standards
  • Fall Safety Systems and Planning
  • Shared and Personal Systems
  • Anchor Points - Strength Types and Requirements
  • Body Restraints Descent / Rescue
  • Connectors
  • Overview Maintenance and Inspection of Fall Protection Equipment
  • Practical Workshop
  • Assessment of the fall arrest system
Book your training
  • Duration
    • A day
  • Location
    • Available at the following locations: Laval and Sainte-Catherine
    • Client establishment
  • Price
    • $ 430 + taxes per person

Benefits training with Simplex


  • The instructors are approved by the Partners Commission of the labor market.
  • The service is fast and personalized at each customer according to the environment of work.
Photo d'un employé travaillant dans un atelier de l'une des succursales Simplex, une entreprise de location d'outils et d'équipements.
Book your training
  • In one of our branches

    Contact us to find out the dates of our next training sessions.

  • Company session

    Contact us to know the next available dates.
